Lovers of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r.a)
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 992 KB
Book pages : 142
Brief Introduction :
It contains some important poetic verses composed by the most revered Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra). These are the verses related to Sufism and have very deep meaning, which can only be rightly comprehended by saints and persons having abilities to understand spiritual subjects. This book is an Urdu translation of Divan-e-Bahu.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : English (Translation)
Book size : 1.82 MB
Book pages : 149
Brief Introduction :
It contains some important poetic verses composed by the most revered Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra). These are the verses related to Sufism and they possess an extensively deep meaning, which can only be rightly comprehended by saints and persons having abilities to understand spiritual subjects.
Writer : Prof Dr Sultan Altaf Ali
Language : Urdu
Book size : 8.02 MB
Book pages : 635
Brief Introduction :
This book is a complete compilation of all the divinely composed Punjabi poems of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra).All these poems have been put under the microscope to identify the genuine compositions. The source and originality of each prose has been fully probed.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 5.05 MB
Book pages : 115
Brief Introduction :
This book is divided in eight sections in which explanations regarding spiritual recitations, meditations, spiritual attainments like fana-fi-Muhammed and Dawat-ul-Qaboor have been given. This book is like having a kamil-murshad. It talks about the procedures of spiritual recitations (zikr) exclusive to the Qadria order of Sufism.
Aurang Shahi
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 828 KB
Book pages : 40
Brief Introduction :
The importance of strict observance of Islamic laws has been explained in detail in this book. The only devotee who has sincerely engraved the name of Allah in his heart can reach the truth of the divine entity. The deep secrets of sufi terms like Allah, Lillah, La-Hu, Hu, Faqar, Muhammed(P.B.U.H) and Fana Fi Sheikh has been explained.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 743 KB
Book pages : 41
Brief Introduction :
This book explains the importance and benefits of carving the name of Allah in one’s heart. No other person can ever give such beautiful and detailed explanation as Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra), about the benefits of engraving and meditating the name of Allah in one’s heart. The procedure of craving and meditating the name of Allah is advocated to be the master key of all problems.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 5.11 MB
Book pages : 96
Brief Introduction :
The symptoms of a true disciple and his master have been explained in this book. The immensely important recitation of Dawat-ul-qaboor has found mention in this book. The hidden spiritual attainments of a true saint have been explained. Hazrat Faqeer Altaf Hussain Sarwari Qadri (ra) has provided adequate translation and thereafter has also given splendid explanation and commentary for all the relevant topics in this book.
Risala Roohi Sharif
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation) and Farsi
Book size : 308 KB
Book pages : 16
Brief Introduction :
This is a very famous and the most celebrated handy book. Prior to this book no effort has ever been made to write a book of this stature. This small book has explanations regarding the secrets of the souls of Sultan-ul-Fuqra, which had till now remained a strongly guarded divine secret. All initial stages of the birth of the universe are well mentioned in this blessed book. In this book Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra) has revealed his spiritual status. This blessed book can prove to be a very handy tool for an aspiring devotee who has, despite his best efforts, failed to alight the steps of spirituality. Through this book he can directly experience and assimilate spiritual energy from Hazrat Sultan bahu (ra). This is an invaluable treasure for saints and devotees from all the spiritual orders and from all the religions. Hazrat Faqeer Altaf Hussain Sarwari Qadri (ra) has translated the book and thereafter has also provided absolutely splendid and enriching explanation of the relevant topics.
Of The Spirit (Small)
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : English (Translation) and Farsi
Book size :1.14 MB
Book pages : 104
Brief Introduction :
Translation of Risala ROOHI (Khurd) is written in English. At the end of this book, Risala ROOHI (Khurd) is given in Farsi. The explanation of Risala ruhi (khurd) has been also mentioned in it.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : English (Translation)
Book size : 6.45 MB
Book pages : 161
Brief Introduction :
This book is fully packed with the great secrets about the basic tenets of the Qadria order. The difference between a true and materialistic devotee is explained. Various topics are addressed in this book. In this book, light has been thrown on the spiritual life of a devotee.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 4.88 MB
Book pages : 96
Brief Introduction :
In this book, the eight symptoms of a perfect being have been explained in a very detailed manner. Mention has also been made on the immensely important topics of honest livelihood, shedding of one’s ego, and the blessed court of prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H). Mention has also been made on the spiritual importance of the Sarwari Qadria order of Sufism. The effects and symptoms of one’s spiritual connection with his spiritual master have been explained. Various important topics have also been covered in this book. Hazrat Faqeer Altaf Hussain Sarwari Qadri (ra) has translated the book and thereafter has also provided absolutely splendid and enriching explanation of the relevant topics.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 668 KB
Book pages : 51
Brief Introduction :
This book contains the description given by Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra) of the exalted spiritual status of the messenger of Allah, Hazrat Muhammed (P.B.U.H), in this book Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra) has called Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H) as the perfect being. The types of spiritual recitations are also explained. Detailed effects and results of different types of spiritual recitations and rewards have been explained. The importance of spiritual recitations and bounties for a devotee’s spiritual journey have also been explained.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 850 KB
Book pages : 70
Brief Introduction :
This book explains that the Qadria order of Sufism is at the apex of the sufi ladder and therefore supercedes all the other sufi orders. Emphasis is stressed on a qadria saint to adopt a lifestyle which keeps him at bay from materialistic people. For every Qadri saint, it is necessary to attend the royal court of the Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H). One should not be over indulgent in materialistic pursuits, it only shows that such a person has not been able to come out of the swirl of the materialistic world. Hazrat Faqeer Altaf Hussain Sarwari Qadri (ra) has translated the book and thereafter has also provided absolutely splendid and enriching explanation of the relevant topics.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 1.24 MB
Book pages : 40
Brief Introduction :
A mention is found in this book that a beginner devotee must search for a true spiritual master, it’s a spiritual compulsion. The master is the only real partner in one’s quest for Allah. A perfect mater is capable of creating heroes out of stone. The emergence of ego and other egoistic barriers has been explained.
Deedar Baksh (Khurd)
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 4.37 MB
Book pages : 72
Brief Introduction :
In this book, the rapturous moment of “Li Ma Allah” has been explained, when the devotee becomes one with Allah, marking the attainment of highest spiritual station. At that moment he forgets everything but Allah. Such a hard earned and transcendental moment, can last only for a few moments for the sufi but the exalted messenger of Allah, Muhammed(P.B.U.H), was continuously in such spiritual state. A saint’s complete mergence with Allah is explained. Hazrat Faqeer Altaf Hussain Sarwari Qadri has translated the book and thereafter has also provided absolutely splendid and enriching explanation of the relevant topics.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 2.44 MB
Book pages : 216
Brief Introduction :
In this holy book the divine sight of Allah and tasawwuf has been explained. After Allah and his messenger Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), only the enlightened master should mean the world to the disciple. A clear cut difference between alim and arif has been explained. The definition of a true pilgrim has been explained in detail. The characteristics and traits of a person who is a complete saint by birth, are explained.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 2.08 MB
Book pages : 194
Brief Introduction :
This is a very useful guide for a devotee to tread the path of spirituality. This book also explains the jalali and jamali forces that reside in a true saint. Ego and its effect have also been explained. The words of irfan ( sufic elevation) have been discussed.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 4.75 MB
Book pages : 143
Brief Introduction :
This book explains that it is not impossible, even in this world, to be blessed with the sight of Allah. It also throws light on the experience of such a rapturous moment of the sight of Allah. How to achieve the ability to see Allah is also mentioned. When a saint reaches higher levels of spirituality then he continuously sees Allah. The importance and practice of reciting Dawat-ul-qaboor is also explained in this book.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 4.94 MB
Book pages : 84
Brief Introduction :
The types of saints have been discussed in this book. The spiritual significance of the Kalma Tayyaba has been explained. Hazrat Faqeer Altaf Hussain Sarwari Qadri has provided adequate translation and thereafter has also given splendid explanation and commentary of all the relevant topics in this book.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 0.97 MB
Book pages : 56
Brief Introduction :
This book explains that only divine love can take one to Allah. The materialistic devil and ego are the main barriers in God realization and a true saint naturally abandons all such worldly bonds. To realize Allah, one has to end his indulgence in all kinds of materialistic pursuits.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 7.45 MB
Book pages : 224
Brief Introduction :
In this book, the importance of the Qadria order has been explained in splendid details. Different topics related to spirituality have been discussed more importantly topics related to tasawwuf and its types, spiritual master and their different forms have been mentioned.
Mahak-ul-Faqr (Khurd)
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 7.88 MB
Book pages : 155
Brief Introduction :
Mahak-ul-Faqr (Khurd) enlightens spiritual seeker with variant types of Nafs, Ishq, heart and many other spiritual concepts. The book encapsulates 40 Hadiths about higher ranks of Faqirs and explains 99 names of Allah in the context of faqr. In short, this book solidifies the deep secrets of faqr-e-Bahu ra.
Mahak-ul-Faqr (Kalan)
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 4.96 MB
Book pages : 383
Brief Introduction :
In this holy book, the spiritual importance of the Kalma Tayyba has been explained. The spiritual secrets of the thirty divine letters have been explained. It has also been asserted that the key to all the external manifestations and inner spiritual enlightenment are within these thirty have also found mention in divine syllables. The secrets of the divine spiritual light of Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H) have also found mention in this book.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 8.32 MB
Book pages : 167
Brief Introduction :
This book is a gem mainly defining and explaining faqr, spiritual knowledge, ten main characteristics of a spiritual teacher. Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra) highlights the differentiable features of Qadri order. Various other concepts regarding Faqr are also discussed.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 1.89 MB
Book pages : 141
Brief Introduction :
This blessed book destroys the veil (the blanket of ego and ignorance). It explains the veil of ignorance that exists between a devotee and Allah. The veil can be destroyed by uttering and comprehending the meaning of the holy Kalma-Tayyaba. A saint can find answers to his spiritual and worldly problems through a spiritual way known as Dawat-ul-qaboor. Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra) has advocated the spiritual importance of Dawat-ul-qaboor, which helps the devotee to ultimately reach The Almighty ‘Allah’.
The Spirit of Al-Faqr
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : English (Translation)
Book size : 786 KB
Book pages : 310
Brief Introduction :
This is an English translation of Aen-ul-Faqr. This books reveals the details of the hidden spiritual world, it also sheds light on the symptoms and divine signs of a true spiritual master. The spiritual relevance of Faqr is explained in detail. Much relevant information on the Qadri sufi order has been given in this book. It also asserts that many Adams have appeared on earth before the Adam that we know. In this book many spiritual secrets have been opened and discussed in detail.
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 1.34 MB
Book pages : 104
Brief Introduction :
This book has been divided in seven parts. Part one consists of the benefits of reading the book. Rest parts deal with the remembrance of Allah. Procedures to let go the ego that resides in every individual’s hearts have been explained. Discourse on meditations, Fana-Fi-Sheikh, the royal court of the messenger of Allah, Hazrat Muhammed (P.B.U.H) have found mention in this book. Procedure of reciting Dawat-ul-qaboor has also been explained. This book is a true guide to understand the fundamental convictions and the very basis of the Sarwari Qadri sufi order.
Kaleed-ut-Toheed (Khurd)
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 4.00 MB
Book pages : 104
Brief Introduction :
This book sheds light on the importance and need of going closer and closer to The True Being, Allah and on the identification of a saint. The destiny of every human being including all divine beings has already been categorized, on the very first day the soul is created into the ones who will love Allah and into those who will love this materialistic world. Hazrat Faqeer Altaf Hussain Sarwari Qadri (ra) has translated the book and thereafter has also provided absolutely splendid and enriching explanation of the relevant topics.
Kaleed-ut-Toheed (Kalan)
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 4.64 MB
Book pages : 334
Brief Introduction :
The internal divine experiences have found mention in this book. The time span of the end of this universal show has been mentioned. Special teachings of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra) have been explained. The identification of ego and arrogance has been explained. The little known fact about all the worldly and spiritual treasures residing in one’s own body (self) is also mentioned in detail. The devotee realizes it only when he exhibits sincerity and devotion and as a result divine grace is showered on him.
Noor-ul-Huda (Kalan)
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 5.67 MB
Book pages : 399
Brief Introduction :
This is translation by Hazrat Faqeer Altaf Hussain Sarwari Qadri (ra). The divine names of Allah, can completely merge the devotee with Allah in no time. Till now only Hazrat Sultan bahu (ra) has fully explained the complete science behind the spiritual significance of thirty holy syllables. The spiritual eminence of the Qadri order is explained. All the orders of Sufism directly or indirectly get their share of spiritual wealth from most celebrated king of spirituality Ghous-e-Pak Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra).
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 4.5 MB
Book pages : 308
Brief Introduction :
This book contains information on the spiritual heart and the various dimensions of the spiritual world. It also tells a lot about the importance of a spiritual mentor. It contains very useful information on the Qadria order. The book reveals little known facts like the presence of many more human beings before the very first man, Adam. The actual timing of the end of this world has also been mentioned in this book. Many secrets relating to various spiritual practices have been pointed out.
Kanzul Anwar (Aql-e-bedar)
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 3.66 MB
Book pages : 175
Brief Introduction :
This book is a collection of gems written by Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra) on FAQR. It is well translated and explained by Hazrat Faqir Noor Muhammed Kulachvi (ra). This book is of paramount importance for every sincere seeker. This treasure covers sufism with all the relevant dimensions, and dispenses extremely useful information for every student of sufism.
Haq Numaey Noor-ul-Huda (Kalan)
Writer : Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 5.27 MB
Book pages : 248
Brief Introduction :
This is translation by Hazrat Faqeer Noor Muhammed Sarwari Qadri (ra). The importance and completeness of the Kalma Tayaba has been mentioned. It has also been emphasized that the Kalma Tayyaba should not be recited for worldly attainments, but it should recited for reaching Allah. Hazrat Faqeer Noor Muhammed Sarwari Qadri (ra) has also provided his views in the form of commentary which makes it a lot more easier for the readers to comprehend the difficult topics. The spiritual eminence of the Qadri order is also explained. All the orders of Sufism directly or indirectly get their share of spiritual wealth from most celebrated king of spirituality Ghous-e-Pak Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra).

Books written by Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r.a)
The following is a list of the important works of Sultan Bahu(r.a) that still exist today, and can be traced back to him with credibility.
The 17th century saint, Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r.a) authored over 140 books, of which around 40 are still available. All of his books are in Persian except the collection of his poetry, which is, in the form of Punjabi couplets. Risala Roohi Shareef, is one of his most concise & representative books. Also, the ‘Risala’ is the only of his books, which has been often prescribed as Wazeefa, by the saints of the order. This is why original text & transliteration has been included in this compilation, so that reader could get maximum benefit & barakah.Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r.a) is acknowledged as one of the most prominent Sufi poets of the Indo Pak subcontinent. He is known to be the author of over 140 books in Persian and Arabic dealing with a variety of religious and mystic subjects.
The poems of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r.a) are coloured by the consciousness of Faqr and mystical leanings. He is the leader amongst Punjabi Sufi Poets. For centuries now, the people of the Indo Pak sub continent have been captivated by his poems and books on Spiritual Knowledge. His Poems contain extreme impressions of spiritual reality and facts of life rooted in human existence.
To class the poetry of Hazrat Sultan Bahu(r.a) within the boundary of normal poetry is a great error for it sinks into the depths of the heart and soul. Whosoever listens or studies his works is effected and transported into higher realms of spiritual truths. The joy and ecstasy is such that even a casual reading produces spiritual attraction.
Visualize dervishes sitting around a fire, the light of which giving an occasional glimpse of those sitting around it. The Abyat of Sultan Bahu (r.a) is being recited. Suddenly, the hearts of the dervishes is effected by a resounding ` HU ‘. That ` HU ‘ extinguishes the awareness of the surroundings and the listener and reciter is transported to higher levels of reality going back to his ` original ‘ homeland.
The effects of the journey are so profound that the lesson learned is not obtainable at any university or madrassa. There is so much depth in his teachings that it distinguishes him from other Sufi poets.
Sultan Bahu (r.a) works are a true guide to the lost soul. It influences the seeker so much so that he is strengthened in his resolve for higher knowledge. His message is clear…… spend your Life for Allah, His Prophet (PBUH) and Truth. Your living and dying should be for Allah alone. Sultan Bahu’s (r.a) philosophy or original idea is the Zaat of Allah.
To him attainment to Allah is the `goal’ and `reality’. His works should be widely translated and distributed to make people aware of this great soul, so that his works Heal the hearts of man. It is a most Urgent need especially in the English language. It should be noted that Hazrat Sultan Bahu’s (r.a) works is couched in simple language, making it easily understandable.
It is for this reason that some so-called learned persons do not regard these works as of high literary status. We should note that it was customary for the writers of that time to decorate their prose and poetry, in an incomprehensible fashion. Thus, unfortunately these so-called scholars are unable to see, and experience the practical effects of Hazrat Sultan Bahu’s (r.a) works.
Due to simplicity, and effectiveness of these works, one is almost obliged to think that this great holy personality knew through intuition that there will be a time like the present, when it will be difficult to find a perfect spiritual master. This is the reason why Hazrat Sultan Bahu (RA) clothed his spiritual treasure & Barakah, in the shape of his books.
The master himself says in `Nurul Huda’ that `for many years a true seeker has not passed my path to whom I could impart my spiritual wealth which is given to me as a trust. Thus he put his esoteric knowledge and spiritual wisdom and teachings in writing and in this way has forever made its benefit available for generations to come.
In his books the Saint discusses the realms of Tasawwuf (Sufism) and its domains. His writings give a clear insight into the reality and the realm of Sharia, Tariqat, Haqiqat, and Marifat of Allah. Essentially two unique and distinctive concepts and impressions underlie the philosophy of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r.a). His original idea is the `Zaat’ of Allah.
This is attained through `tasawwur’ of the Personal Name Allah, i.e. through reflection, contemplation and meditation of the Name Allah. Its object is to bring the seeker from the world of pluraty towards the chamber of unity and to take the seeker from the darkness of opacity towards the light of subtlety. The other concept is the knowledge of `Dawatul Qubur’ or invocation of the spirits. The concept of `kashf -ul- qubur’is found in many books but the concept of `dawatul qubur’ is unique and only to be found in the writings of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r.a). It is an invocation whereby the seeker comes out of the darkness of the opaque world and enters the luminous macrocosm of the invisible world and there mixing and meeting with the resplendent invisible creation of that world, he derives maximum esoteric benefits from them.
Although couched in simple language, he has recounted and explained, sometimes in a rhetorical fashion, the extreme limits of the different exalted and sublime phases and stations of Marifa and Faqr. Sometimes the novice seeker, due to his own shortcomings and sometimes by not being able to understand becomes desponded and relinquishes further study. This should not be allowed to happened.
The reader should keep on studying the books constantly because the spirit of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r.a) runs through the pages of his books and the Saints esoteric and intrinsic attention (twajju) is concealed and hidden in his writings. It is this quality of his hidden esoteric attention, which makes the book, become ones teacher and instructor, helping thereby in automatically resolving all the subtle points of bewilderment and confusion. The above is true and has been experienced by many a scholar that sooner or later one reaches ones hearts desire. With sincere devotion and respect and by continuos reading an electricity of divine light is created in the heart of the reader, inculcating in him a spiritual revolution and attraction which gives rise to a strong yearning and affectionate longing for Allah the Beloved. One should not forget that all the writings of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r.a) are divinely inspired.
In fact, his works are a true means of gaining access and entrance into the court of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). The effect of his works is such that a seeker, who peruses his works continually, will God-willing achieve his heart’s desire. We would fail in our duty, if we do not mention in passing, the experiences of a great Sufi master, regarding the works of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r.a). He says: “Through calligraphy, I have penned the works of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r.a) over and over for the last thirty years. During this period, I did not touch any work of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (r.a) without being in a state of ablution.Whatever spiritual reality & phenomena of ‘the path’ I copied in the day, was traversed in the night and the written esoteric reality & phenomena was made manifest to me. It appeared as though, the author had composed and bequeathed these books to me exclusively, because hither so far none has comprehended & benefited out of them like myself.”
Due to vested interests, incorrect translations of Hazrat Sultan Bahu’s (r.a) works are available, devoid of the ‘true’ meanings from the original, for the wealth of Faqr & Ma’arifat is passed from breast to breast. Some people, for their own purposes, read his holiness’s books, expecting the spiritual realities mentioned to become manifest to them. But due to their own short-sightedness and shortcomings they give up further studies of the books.
This is their own loss. The opposite is however true. It is the true seeker whose courage is stronger than the mountains, who with the staff of patience, strong resolve and determination surmounts his inabilities and becomes successful in attaining the higher knowledge described in the works. Those, who live a life of luxury and licentiousness, can not reach the goals of ma’arifat.
Thus, it is advisable for true seekers of the path who wish to succeed in their search for truth, to obtain CORRECT translated works of his holiness and with true sincerity, purity of heart and great resolve, peruse and study his works continually. This will, God-willing, bring into play the TAWWAJJUH (spiritual attention) of his holiness on the seeker. And if a perfect teacher is his partner, he unites the capable seeker with Allah, the Most High through a single attention or enters him in constant attendance in the court of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon HIM.)
Ahwal-o-Mukamat Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
Writer : Prof Syed Ahmed Saeed Hamadani
Language : Urdu
Book size : 2.76 MB
Book pages : 254
Brief Introduction :
The author brings light to Hazrat Sultan Bahu's personality, his writings and faqr. He also describes the similarities between Hazrat Sultan Bahu's and Allama iqbal's philosophy of sufism in a worth reading way.
Israr-ul-Haroof (Faqr)
Writer : Prof Syed Ahmed Saeed Hamadani
Language : Urdu
Book size : 2.06
Book pages : 203
Brief Introduction :
In a well written way the author unfolds the in-depth meanings of the words that are used in the teachings of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra). For the ease of reading, these words are sorted in an ascending alphabetical order.
Bahu Aen Yahu
Author : Faqeer Altaf Hussain Sarwari Qadri
Language : Urdu
Book size : 5.41 MB
Book pages : 626
Brief Introduction :
Author of this book who was himself blessed with spiritually awakened heart. A detailed script about history of Sarwari Qadri Order, spiritual ranks of Faqr in detail. Author has beautifully shed light on Majalis-e-Muhammadi (p.b.u.h) and Ism-Allah-Zaat, the two important corridors of Faqr-e-Sultani. This book covers many aspects of Spiritual Faqr of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra) together with his own spiritual discoveries and personal experiences. If a seeker is willing to read a solid and easy to read content on Faqr-e-Sultani then this book is the right text to be read.
Sir-ul-Asrar (Razoon key raaz)
Writer : Hazrat Ghous-e-Azam Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 2.05 MB
Book pages : 192
Brief Introduction :
This is an Urdu translation of Sir-ul-asrar. The book has twenty four parts, all of which explain mystical and spiritual phenomenon’s, including divine secrets. The code of conduct for a true disciple has been explained in detail. The most probable instances that a disciple faces when he treads the path as laid down by his spiritual order has been thrown light upon.
Writer : Hazrat Ghous-e-Azam Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation) and Arabic
Book size : 1.09 MB
Book pages : 109
Brief Introduction :
The great king of spirituality Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra) is the author of this blessed book. The book starts with a short introduction of the most celebrated king of spirituality Ghous-e-Azam Dastgir Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra). The translations in this book are both in Urdu and Arabic.
Writer : Hazrat Ghous-e-Azam Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra)
Language : Urdu (Translation)
Book size : 8.67 MB
Book pages : 766
Brief Introduction :
This is a blessed compilation of the spiritual discourses of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra). Every lecture reveals great spiritual secrets and every disciple must put his best foot forward to follow the directions given by the great sage.
Shan-e-Ghous Azam Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra) ki nazar mein
Writer : Prof Syed Ahmed Saeed Hamadani
Language : Urdu
Book size : 610 KB
Book pages : 60
Brief Introduction :
In this blessed text, Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra) has called the most revered father of Sufism Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra) as “Sheikh Maa” in which he has lovingly called the most exalted saint as his spiritual teacher. This is a book which explains the spiritual eminence of the Qadria sufi order, it also discusses the immense spiritual significance of the great king of Sufism Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra). This book is a reproduction of the quotations from the most celebrated books authored by Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra).
Khas-ul-Khas Taleem
Writer : Prof Syed Ahmed Saeed Hamadani
Language : Urdu
Book size : 534 KB
Book pages : 48
Brief Introduction :
This book, in a very beautiful way explains the concept of marifat. The author has used hadith as his main references. The need and procedure for attaining marifat is explained in this book.
Hazrat Sultan Bahu (Hayat-o-Taleemat)
Writer : Prof Syed Ahmed Saeed Hamadani
Language : Urdu
Book size : 1.52 MB
Book pages : 176
Brief Introduction :
The period which has seen the advent of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra) is mentioned in this book. Further this book contains the biography of Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra). The spiritual education of Hazrat Sultan bahu (ra) has also been explained in this blessed book. Comments are also provided on Hazrat Sultan Bahu’s Punjabi poetry. The different spiritual terms as commonly used in the Sarwari Qadri sufi order have been explained.
Mirat-e-Sultani (Ahwal-o-Asar-o-Afkar Hazrat Sultan Bahu,Bahu Nama Kamil Bama Izafat-e-Zamaim]
Writer : Prof Dr Sultan Altaf Ali
Language : Urdu
Book size : 6.37 MB
Book pages : 450
Brief Introduction :
This book is an in-depth research work by professor. Dr. Sultan Altaf ali. The author has put an extra ordinary effort in collecting and encapsulating the complete details about the Aulia's of Hazrat Sultan Bahu's(ra) reign, his forefathers, descendants and khulifas. He has also penned down the key points of Faqr-e-Bahu (ra) and the summary of many of his books.
Shama-e-Jamal Tareekh-e-Tasawwuf
Writer : Prof Syed Ahmed Saeed Hamadani
Language : Urdu
Book size : 2.42 MB
Book pages : 250
Brief Introduction : The basic ideas that led to the conception of the different sufi orders have been mentioned in this book. The starting point of the different sufi orders, spiritual lineage, the fountain head of the orders have been explained in detail. The spiritual station of the supreme heads of these orders has been discussed in this book.Add Details here
Asr-e-Jadeed aur masail-e-Tasawuuf
Writer : Prof Syed Ahmed Saeed Hamadani
Language : Urdu
Book size : 5.04 MB
Book pages : 116
Brief Introduction :
The problems and misconceptions relating to spiritual pursuits that a modern day devotee encounters have found mentioned in this book. The inclination of the west towards spiritual pursuits has also been discussed. Tasawwuf and other forms of spiritual practices are explained in detail. Light has been shed on this concept that mysticism and tasawwuf are two totally different paths. The main ideas behind spiritual practices are discussed.
Books Written/Relating To :-
Ghous-e-Azam Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (ra)
Hazrat Sultan Bahu (ra)
General Sufism
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